Tuesday 12 April 2011

Let nature inspire you...

When faced with a RJW "Rush Job Wrap", there is nothing worse than Wrappers Block!!

Suddenly you can't think up a suitably creative design, or the colour combinations just don't seem to be jelling.  This is when I like to turn to nature for inspiration!  Taking a stroll through my less than colourful garden (just a variety of shades of green (but they all have their place, believe me!), I still managed to be stopped in my tracks as I looked at the most gorgeous colours of this Hybiscus!

Burnt Orange, Orange, Cerise Pink, Yellow, White on a backdrop of vibrant green!  Just how stunning is this!  A magnificent colour pallet that can only get you rushing back into the house to browse through coloured wrap, ribbons and gift toppers.

Add a more subtle shade of Orange or soften an overbright orange wrap with Glassine for something different.  It's great to let nature guide you and create colour combinations that you sometimes just don't think of.

So take a stroll through your garden the next time to need to wrap a gift and gain some inspiration from a different source...


  1. Sweet! Sophia sent me over and I am so thrilled to see your site! i love to wrap pretty packages! i don't hate gift bags but when i use a gift bag, I upgrade it. I buy plain gift bags and make them pretty :) Thanks for sharing all your insight. I love this garden walk idea!

  2. Hi Becky,
    Thank you so much for having a look and I'm delighted you like it! I'm having great fun! I think your idea of personalising your gift bag is just brilliant. I think my pet hate about gift bags is that they are usually bought in a rush and then the giver of the gift makes loads of apologies that they didn't have time to wrap the gift. Your idea of upgrading the bag still makes it personal and shows that bit of extra time and thought and enhances the gift that much more. That being said, I fully understand the pressures of busy people or I wouldn't be offering a gift wrap service! :-) Please send me a pic or two the next time you upgrade a gift bag. I'd love to post some pics to give people ideas. Have a great day and chat soon... Ingrid P.S. Sorry if you got this more than once, my page did something odd. :-)


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