Thursday, 8 December 2011

Wrapping up the Year...

Just incase I don't get a chance to blog before Christmas, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your amazing support in this first and crucial growth year for Wrap for You.

It's been a challenging year which has required an education process as to why gift wrapping should be taken more seriously. The response has been amazing and it's very rewarding when I am actively sought out at the monthly Market. Word is spreading that gift wrapping is more than just scrunching a gift into pretty paper and then tackling it with mountains of sticky tape. From the feedback I have received, I can look forward to 2012 being another year of growth and hopefully one of more courses and demonstrations.

A big thank you to those of you who have invited me to demonstrate my gift wrapping techniques at your Clubs and Bookclubs.  It's been wonderful meeting new people and a joy to watch how infectious enthusiasm over gift wrapping is.

The lovely ladies of the Durban North Garden Club very kindly sent through two pictures taken at my demo at their final and special, Christmas Meeting.  I demo'ed a number of different gift wrapping techniques to nearly 30 ladies to wonderful applause.  From the feedback I've received from them, they definitely enjoyed themselves as much as I did.  My only regret is that I didn't manage to secure Sally's amazing mince pie recipe!!!

Just as things were sort of winding down, bearing in mind I still have two more Christmas Markets, the 17th at the I Heart Market and the 18th at the Wonder Market, I was delighted when Khole contacted me and asked me to wrap up some gifts for her traditional wedding.  16 Large gifts in total, 7 big 'trays' and 9 bridesmaid and flowergirl gifts.  I based the theme on Khole's wedding invitation and went to town.  I'm not going to post any pics just yet, let's keep it all as a surprise as the wedding is this weekend, but I will say that Khole was delighted!

I would LOVE some pictures of your Christmas Wrapping, so please do take some and email them through.  And in the interim, if you are travelling, please be careful on our very busy roads, and may you be surrounded by special family and friends. 

Until 2012, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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